Sunday, 12 February 2017




 -Make groups of 3-4 students according to your teacher´s instructions.
 -Choose a topic:
Animals, clothes, feelings,months of the year, days of the week, body parts, hobbies, sports,objects, regular verbs.
-Make up a rap. To do this, you should invent simple sentences with rhyme. You can use homophone words, do you remember: book, look, boot?
-The composition should have 3 chorus (a part of a song repeated) and 3 strophes with 4 verses each one.
-Choose a track without lyrics (you can use internet), or you can do yours.
-Record the project with appropriate clothes: glasses, caps… (don’t forget to insert credits: tittle, made of…)
-Send it by email (only the link) to your teachers (Isabel and Ana). First, you should upload it to youtube in hidden mode and then copy the link.
-If have any doubt to do it , please tell us.
-We will assess the creativity, originality, sense, oral skills, presentation, teamwork.

DEADLINE: MARCH 3rd.                                           

Monday, 6 February 2017


This new project has to do with improving pronunciation. 

Read the following instructions to do the project:
- It is individual.
- Each student will be given the chapter that he/she has to work on.
- Each of you is going to read and record one chapter of the book " ALL ABOUT THE USA".
- You'll have to listen to the audio as many times as you need and then practise reading aloud to improve pronunciation and entonation.
- When you think you are ready, read aloud the chapter  and record it.
- Pay attention to the punctuation and read slowly.
- When it is finished, email the audio to your English teacher.
- Write a comment on this blog telling your teacher the chapter you are going to record and your opinion about this project.

DEADLINE: 17th.February